Happy New Year 2006!
It's not quite 2006 here yet due to the time difference. Here are the "best/most memorable shots" of 2005.:

Not technically taken in January, but at the end of December 2004, but I thought this was a very memorable shot of the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool.

This shot was the final shot of a sequence of photos which shows how many people it took to free a car and 4x4 from the sand!

March was a slow month, as I didn't take many photographs due to working on my final year project.

A photo of a friend of mine buying an ice-cream. He didn't know I took this photograph, but it worked perfectly in black and white.

A visit to see Gillian (my sister), in London resulted in a trip to the London Wetlands Center. The photo above isn't perfect, but it was so difficult trying to get three birds to look all the same way at once!

Just a photo of some rope that everyone seemed to like. It has great lines and high contrast.

Probably my favourite shot of the year: This was inspired by the photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson. I couldn't have hoped to get the timing any better. This was taken in Liverpool.

My best photo of August, taken in Chester Zoo. It was taken in low light, but still came out quite nicely.

In September, I went to the Toronto Film Festival. My favourite shot is probably this one of Miss Universe/Miss Canada. She posed for my camera, unlike all my other celeb photographs, so she is my favourite for that reason.

I spent over a month trying to find the perfect maple leaf in "Fall Red". I eventually found it on a rainy day in Petawawa, Ontario when visiting my friend Cheri there.

Here is a nice sunset with some ducks that came into the shot a the perfect moment. I had to follow them for a bit to line this shot up.

And so to December. This was the best night shot I took recently.
Best Wishes to everyone for 2006. I'll be joining you very soon. :)